We can finally use different applications on fullscreen on each one that we have connected to our Mac, all the latter without configuring anything and being able to access the Dock from the screen we are currently using. The management of multiple screens has been improved significantly.

Furthermore, the notifications system will allow us to reply to emails or messages without leaving the application that we are using, or receive alerts from Safari even when it isn't open. Starting with Safari, which has had several aspects improved to speed up browsing and improve its integration with social networks, without forgetting that iCloud is capable of filling in passwords for us wherever necessary and keeping our credentials under lock and key.

Important changes have been introduced in this area. A substantial improvement in terms of productivity Mac OS X Mavericks comes along with more than two hundred innovations in different areas in order to improve the features of Mountain Lion and satisfy the demands of many users.

Thus, Apple has stopped naming its operating systems after felines and has started using names of places of the state where this company was born. Version 10.9 of OS X has appeared under the name of Mavericks, a popular place among the surfing community of Northern California, known for its waves.